The Jeanneau welcome

Adélia arrives in San Diego

Delivery Lable

Adelia arrives on a vessel delivery truck Exciting day I get my shoe back

Our new sail boat was shipped from France to Baltimore on a cargo ship early February 2005 and arrived in San Diego on the delivery truck
Feb. 18th 2005

We were there when the truck arrived, It was very exciting to see Adélia for the first time. We waited around and visited with the truck driver until the boat yard was ready to take her in.

As I approached Adélia the truck drivers' dog came after me and I lost my shoe which the dog decided would make a good snack. The driver pried my shoe out of its mouth and handed it back to me. Kip thought that was really funny and I guess it was from where he was standing. He had just finished telling me to be careful because the dog was on a very long leash.

Adélia was taken off the truck and placed on stilts in the boat yard where the keel and the through hulls were installed.

About to board Adelia

Adelia on stilts Our first toast to Adelia Our first visitor  Gabe

We returned to San Diego many times between Feb. and mid June 2005 to visit and check out the commissioning process. My nephew Gabe from Vancouver B.C. happened to be in town March 5. Of course we were anxious to show him our new sail boat.